Friday, May 09, 2008


I'm back. I've returned to where I came from. Some people have their 'crib;' I have my grid.

For the past three days I've lived and worked with a school 'off of the grid,' deep inside the rural counties of Florida. Rural life appeals to me a lot. I hope someday that I retire to a calm and serene ranch filled with nature's goodness. The community people that I met sure seemed to enjoy their lifestyle.

I missed my grid while I was there. The creature comforts of connectedness blatantly absent. Cell phone service? Very limited. Internet access? Sort of. VPN for e-mail? Nope. Television? Six channels, two of them in Spanish. And the kicker... no Starbucks. Perhaps that is the lack of a kicker.

When I got back to a big city with cell phone access I was greeted by a plethora of text, Tweet and e-mail messages and voice mails. Apparently people still expected me to be on their grid. 

As I sat waiting for my plane and sipping my grande, single-pump, hazelnut latte, I thought about how good it felt to be back. But I also thought about how nice a few days of gridlock felt.

I'm looking forward to a rural lifestyle someday. I just hope it has a Starbucks.

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Blogger the shupester said...

I want pictures of this sleepy southern oasis off the grid!

5/09/2008 10:02:00 PM  
Blogger Lee Kolbert said...

Quiet sleepy town sounds good, but coffee is a must. Doesn't have to be Starbucks, but has to be hot and fresh. Cool logos are nice too.

5/10/2008 04:37:00 PM  
Blogger CHazlett said...

Yep, Internet is a must. Just think how much we rely on it.

5/13/2008 12:01:00 AM  

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